date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:37:01 GMT from: tj subject: Re: scenario files to: Mike, SPECTRE is pick up the new files, it is just the title screen not updated. On SPECTRE root directory, there is a file SCENARIO.SLT which determins what will appear on the selection screen. It is a text file that can be edited by DOS editor. At the moment it looks like this, SCENARIO SPIS95A.OUT IS95a The standard IPCC 95 scenario; 2.68xC SPIS95B.OUT IS95b The second IPCC 95 scenario; 2.60xC SPIS95C.OUT IS95c The third IPCC 95 scenario; 1.48xC SPIS95D.OUT IS95d The fourth IPCC 95 scenario; 1.80xC SPIS95E.OUT IS95e The fifth IPCC 95 scenario; 3.40xC SPIS95F.OUT IS95f The sixth IPCC 95 scenario; 3.16xC SPFFES.OUT FFES Fossil free emissions scenario (Greenpeace); 1.23xC SPWEC93B.OUT WECREF World Energy Council reference scenario; 2.34xC SPMIN60.OUT Min60 A 60% reduction in global CO2 emissions by 2010; 1.26xC Starting from the second line, every two lines correspond to one scenario. First the filename, the next line is used in the selection menu. You don't have to used the old names. The majority of the vectory outline files were from the VAX and others are from various sources which I have forgot. I rediscover anything I'll let you know. Best wishes, Jiang