date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 15:36:16 +0100 from: "Van Der Linden, Paul" subject: IPCC WGI TAR Zero Draft to: "''" Dear TAR Co-ordinating Lead Authors I think I can safely say that all the zero draft comments are now finally in. For your information I am enclosing a list of all the reviewers who sent in comments, on a chapter by chapter basis. Those marked with a star are nominated reviewers, the others are either from other TAR chapters (LAs and CLAs), the TSU, or the WGI Bureau. Regards Paul van der Linden ********************************************** IPCC WGI TSU Met. Office, London Road Bracknell, RG12 2SY Tel: +44 (0)1344-854665 Fax: +44 (0)1344-856912 email: www url: ********************************************** Chapter 1 Theo Opsteegh * Kevin Trenberth * B. McAvaney (Ch 8 CLA) D. Griggs J. Houghton Chapter 2 Mark Cane * Roger Barry * Eirik Forland * Neil Ward * C. Schonweise * D. Griggs J. Houghton G. Hegerl (Ch12 LA) D. Thompson Chapter 3 Wally Broecker * R.A. ("Skee") Houghton * Peter Rayner * Sandra Brown * Mike Apps * Ken Denman * D. Griggs J. Houghton Chapter 4 Chuck Kolb * Jack McConnel * M. Manning * Neil Harris * D. Griggs Chapter 5 John Ogren * Judy Curry * Phil Austin * John Seinfeld * Dr Henning Rodhe * Rita van Dingenen * Markku Kulmala * R. Charlson O. Boucher (Ch6 LA) T. Bond D. Griggs J. Houghton Chapter 6 K. Shine * J. Kiehl * D. Roberts * J. Lean * H. Rodhe * Y. Fouquart * R. Charlson * D. Griggs J. Houghton M. Mann (Ch 2 LA) J. Mitchell P. Forster G. Hegerl (Ch 6 LA) Chapter 7 Prof. R. Cess * Prof. E. Sarachik * Prof. P. Rhines * Prof. I. Fung * Prof. R. Dickinson * Prof. R. Alley * B. McAvaney J. Houghton M. Noguer K. Trenberth V. Meleshko R. Pierrehumbert (Ch 7 LA) Chapter 8 Larry Gates * Michael Manton * David Williamson * Peter Gleckler * Steve Lambert * Jan Polcher * Greg Flato * Ron Stouffer * J. Houghton M. Noguer J. Mitchell C. Folland Chapter 9 Bryant McAvaney * Jonathan Gregory * Andy Weaver * Tony Broccoli * Zeng-Zhen Hu * U. Ulbrich * Dr. Shukuro Manabe * M. Noguer J. Mitchell Chapter 10 Dimitrios Gyalistras * William Gutowski * George Golitsyn * Mario Nunez * Hisashi Kato * Roger Jones * Frederick Semazzi * B. McAvaney M. Noguer Chapter 11 Peltier * Meier * Weaver * Kirk Bryan * Terrence Joyce * Bill Budd * Sarah Raper * Mike Manton * Ian Goodwin * Fitzharris * Gornitz * Woodworth (LA Ch11) R. Stouffer J. Houghton M. Noguer Chapter 12 Myles Allen * Mark Berliner * Mike MacCracken * Phil Jones * Tim Barnett * J. Marengo (Ch14 LA) D. Griggs J. Houghton M. Noguer Chapter 13 Roger Jones * Roger Street * Joel Smith * Tom Wigley * John Mitchell * J. Houghton M. Noguer ++++END+++