date: 9 Mar 2009 16:39:21 +0000 from: "J. Atmos. Solar-Terrestr. Phys." subject: ATP1392R1, Invitation to review to: Dear Dr. Jones, The manuscript Solar radiation, sea surface temperature and global warming by Prof. Antonino Palumbo has been submitted (or re-submitted) for publication, and given your knowledge of this subject I feel I would like to request your review (see below a copy of the abstract). I would be grateful if you could let me know via our website if you would be willing to meet this request. As a reviewer you are entitled to access references, abstracts, and full-text articles in Scopus and ScienceDirect for 30 days. Full instruction details will be provided upon accepting this invitation to review. To view our invitation, please visit the website at and log onto the system as a Reviewer. Your username is: PJones-376 If you can't remember your password please click the "send password" link on the login page. Accepting the request will allow the entire manuscript to appear under the Pending Assignments menu on your Main Menu page. You will then be able to download the manuscript as well as submit your review. We look forward to hearing from you regarding this review request. Regards, Meta Ottevanger, on behalf of John M.C. Plane, Editor Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics PS: When entering the journal site, please have a look in 'change details' to check and, if necessary, complete or update your personal data. .......................................................... Solar radiation, sea surface temperature and global warming Abstract: Solar Radiation income (R) increases Sea Surface Temperature (SST), that in turn decreases the solubility of the greenhouse gases and increases the Evaporation (E), responsible respectively of the increase of the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases and water vapour (WV) both increasing the global air Temperature (T). This paper shows that the variations of SST, related to R, explain all the examined past cycles of T and that the mankind activity contributes to the recent global warming by much less than 15%. For revised manuscripts: If applicable, your earlier blind comments to the author of this manuscript: If applicable, your earlier comments to the editor (review form): For more information about Scopus and ScienceDirect, please visit