From: Jonathan Overpeck To: Keith Briffa , Subject: the new "warm period myths" box Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 21:45:38 -0700 Cc: Eystein Jansen , Valerie Masson-Delmotte Hi Keith and Tim - since you're off the 6.2.2 hook until Eystein hangs you back up on it, you have more time to focus on that new Box. In reading Valerie's Holocene section, I get the sense that I'm not the only one who would like to deal a mortal blow to the misuse of supposed warm period terms and myths in the literature. The sceptics and uninformed love to cite these periods as natural analogs for current warming too - pure rubbish. So, pls DO try hard to follow up on my advice provided in previous email. No need to go into details on any but the MWP, but good to mention the others in the same dismissive effort. "Holocene Thermal Maximum" is another one that should only be used with care, and with the explicit knowledge that it was a time-transgressive event totally unlike the recent global warming. Thanks for doing this on - if you have a cool figure idea, include it. Best, peck -- Jonathan T. Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Professor, Department of Geosciences Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Mail and Fedex Address: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth 715 N. Park Ave. 2nd Floor University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 direct tel: +1 520 622-9065 fax: +1 520 792-8795