date: Mon Feb 21 09:32:13 2005
from: Phil Jones
subject: Re: Zero order draft
to: "Parker, David (Met Office)"
Thanks ! They are calling some people at specific times related to their
chapter. Looking at the schedule and knowing which ones you've been involved
with it isn't worth worrying about. Ch 3 starts at 1.30pm central and Ch 6
isn't till much later, so late evening UK on 23rd.
You are probably better off out of it.
At 09:05 21/02/2005, you wrote:
I'm not due to be in the Chicago meeting but will be in my office in
Exeter during normal hours Mon 21st - Thurs 24th, away Friday. I haven't
booked a phone link: when that option arose, Peter hadn't had his
accident; but I have found phone links to be ineffective except for very
short periods. Videoconferencing can be better.
On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 08:04, Phil Jones wrote:
> Peter,
> Sorry to here of your problems. Thanks for the comments on the ZOD
> and the additional aspects in your email. Let me know any more of the
> BAMS letter if you get them. We'll be looking at all the comments from
> middle of April onwards. The next AR4 meeting is around May 10.
> Some of the reason why some bits you wrote (and also Adrian
> Simmons - had a long set of comments from him also) are not there
> or have been reduced significantly, is that we've been told to concentrate
> on what we do know or not know but not to say what we should be
> doing. We'll be questioning this in Beijing. Problems with ERA-40 and
> NCEP-NCAR are therefore very brief and also in many other areas. We're
> not supposed to endorse the GCOS Imp. Plan for example. Roger Pielke
> won't be pleased with this. Ch 6 of the CCSP doc does this and more.
> Found this a little too hopeful, saying we can't say anything unless we
> have pictures, complete histories etc. etc. Optimistic in the extreme,
> although all necessary it could be said in a much better way.
> Well, hope you're back on your feet soon and I'll see you when you
> hobble up here for a supervisory meeting in March.
> Cheers
> Phil
> PS David - will you be in Chicago? What time do you get in tomorrow?
> At 00:25 20/02/2005, Peter Thorne wrote:
> >Phil (cc: David),
> >
> >I'm afraid I won't make Chicago ... will probably be under surgeons knife.
> >Have taken today to try to write up some more lucid notes on the zero
> >order draft that are attached and are what I would have discussed with you
> >at Chicago. I leave it up to you how far these notes are forwarded on.
> >
> >I have to say that I still back my initial reaction despite that being
> >seen as a "diatribe". I included the salient emails as an appendix as
> >there's some additional material in them that might help. At this stage
> >I'm pretty sure we can reconcile these things relatively simply. However,
> >I certainly would be unhappy to be associated with it if the current text
> >remains through final draft - I'm absolutely positive it won't.
> >
> >As an aside for your eyes only (so please don't forward this part on to
> >anyone) there may well be a very large signatory letter to BAMS from
> >operational satellite guys that Fu et al. is wrong which is one reason why
> >I want to avoid the impression given in zero order draft - it may make us
> >all painted into a difficult corner. More will be obvious after TOVS
> >workshop in May / June but things may move dramatically one way or the
> >other so just a heads up.
> >
> >I note that my box on the lapse rates was completely and utterly ignored
> >which may explain to some extent my reaction, but I also think the science
> >is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes
> >might not be too clever in the long run.
> >
> >I hope Chicago ends up being okay. By the end of it hopefully we'll be in
> >a position to make sure the first draft is good. I should still be able to
> >make a March supervisory meeting albeit as the crutched wonder and we can
> >discuss further then.
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >Peter
> Prof. Phil Jones
> Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
> School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
> University of East Anglia
> Norwich Email
> NR4 7TJ
> UK
David E Parker
A2_W052 Met Office FitzRoy Road EXETER EX1 3PB UK
Tel: +44-1392-886649 Fax: +44-1392-885681
Global climate data sets are available from [1]
Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email