date: Tue Aug 3 15:51:43 2004 from: Phil Jones subject: Re: stuff to: "Michael E. Mann" Mike, Will certainly ignore Legates and told Timo to stop emailing me. Heard that M&M were going for the others - mainly because they don't put up their data. Lonnie has now, but M&M misinterpreted it. McIntyre said the RoG plots were one decade out. They weren't - McIntyre had it wrong. Lonnie's wed page was easy to misinterpret. Luckily I got them from Ellen, who explained them all. I also compared them with the plots in Lonnie's paper. That should have shown M where he was wrong ! Haven't heard from Tom C for ages. Agree it will help along with Caspar. All these lot seem to have their own little email circuit. The FoE director here in the UK suggested that Bellamy read the IPCC report. Also made the point that if he feels ill he goes to a doctor - ergo, if he wants to know about climate he goes to a climatologist ! There are a lot of people out there who think just because they know one science, they can understand all other sciences ! Cheers Phil At 10:23 03/08/2004 -0400, you wrote: Thanks Phil, Well, Legates "paper" won't pass the laugh test. I suggest we ignore it and allow it to die the death of silence. It won't be worth our time responding. He's already discredited himself by publishing this on a right wing web site, so full of mistakes. If I were you, I would discontinue any further correspondence you might have had w/ Legates, the Finn, or any of these other idiots. They're simply going to save up your emails and try to take anything you said out of context... Apparently, M&M are now going after Crowley, Jacoby, Lonnie, and others. Once the various papers (J. Climate paper and Ammann/Wahl) appear (well in time for inclusion in IPCC) it will basically establish that they lack no credibility--it should allow us to say that they've already been discredited once (re their criticism of MBH98), and have destroyed any future credibility they might have in further criticisms of Mann and Jones (2003), etc. By the way, when is Tom C going to formally publish his roughly 1500 year reconstruction??? It would help the cause to be able to refer to that reconstruction as confirming Mann and Jones, etc... This Bellamy guy sounds like he's right up there w/ the rest of these losers (I've never heard of him). I think that they may now finally have gone just far enough to permanently descredit themselves w/ the latest round of baseless attacks, since they have been exposed as having gotten even the most basic facts wrong... Mike Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090 School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784 University of East Anglia Norwich Email NR4 7TJ UK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------