date: Mon Mar 15 16:01:14 2004
from: Phil Jones
subject: Re: Global Temperature
to: Jorge Sánchez Sesma
Dear Jorge,
Happy for you to use me in an additional attempt tp get some Mexican support
to come to CRU next year. What exactly do you need? Send me an example of
what you want? Life is very busy here at the moment as I'll be away for several
meetings over the next 6 weeks and I must prepare some material for most of them.
GKSS is just one model and it is a model, so there is no need for it to be correct.
I am also aware that Ed Cook is revising the ECS curve in a paper he's submitting
to Quaternary Science Reviews.
Remember that if ECS (and GKSS) are correct then the climate is more sensitive
to external forcing (the factors that cause past changes/variability). If the climate is
more sensitive then the likely changes in the future will be greater. The curves that
we've produced here (and also Mike Mann's) suggest a climate sensitivity of about
2.5 deg C for a CO2 doubling. Getting volcanic forcing right in the past (along with
are crucial in any study.
At 12:22 12/03/2004 -0600, you wrote:
Dear Dr. Jones:
I am very happy because I went to a Workshop in Kona Hawaii (with support
of NASA-CRCES after to gain a contest with a review paper about global
temperature reconstructions, it was a different version of the paper that
you have read). There I met with Dr. Michael Mann. Mann was very kind with
me, however when he did know my work he changed his attitude. I met there
also Dr. Hans von Starch who presented a global temperature reconstructions
with a AOCGCM with natural and anthropogenic forcings. His results agree
more or less with ECS, and my results. i am in contact with the GKSS group
in order to compare and share information.
However, the key point of my studies, as you have pointed out, is to
justify that the background Ice Acidity (without volcanic activity) from
polar caps could be considered as a proxy. I have contacted Dr. Hammer and
Dr. Crowley to have information and advice.
In order continue this kind of studies I would like to propose you again
(as we have tried last year) to ask support the the AMC (Mexican Academy of
Sciences) to support a visit to CRU-UEA next year to continue my work, with
your help and advice, about global temperature for the Holocene. I will
need only an official invitation for my visit. It would be in March 2005
for 3 or 4 weeks.
Also, I am asking support to travel to Japan this year (this fall), however
I would like to stop in England a week, in order to visit CRU-UEA and to
continue our collaboration.
I would like to know your oppinion,
Jorge Sánchez-Sesma
Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua
Subcoordinación de Hidrometeorología
Paseo Cuauhnahuac No. 8532, Col. Progreso
Jiutepec, Morelos
62550, México
telefono: 52+(777)329-3600 x 879
fax 52+(777)3293683
pagina: [1]
Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email