cc: "p.jones"
date: Mon, 19 May 2003 16:34:57 -0400
from: "Michael E. Mann"
subject: RE: FWD: S&B in E&E
to: f034 , Clare Goodess , Mike Hulme
Dear Clare,
Thanks very much for the update, and for your efforts to do something about this.
De Freitas' argument seems to amount to "well the editor at 'Energy and Environment' was
even worse than me", and that doesn't quite hold water.
As de Frietas apparently seeks to distance himself from culpability, please keep in mind
that this is only one of numerous past complaints of suspicious and apparently unethical
behavior on his part in association with his position at "Climate Research". I'm
forwarding, under separate cover, an email describing a complaint from Danny Harvey and Tom
I, as well as many other of our colleagues, look forward to hearing what happens here.
thanks again for your help.
best regards,
At 08:58 PM 5/19/2003 +0100, f034 wrote:
Hans and I have already raised this issue with Inter Research, but they havent
taken it up yet.
Hans and I have have contacted de Freitas and InterResearch over the issues
that you and others have raised before. One of the things de Freitas said in
response, was that he had contacted the editor of Energy and Environment to
see why it had been published. The editor told him that it deserved 'a less
interferedwith version' , i.e., the original authors had complained about the
changes required by the CR reviewers!
Hans, InterResearch and I are still discussing what action needs to be taken
and how to respond to de Freitas' inititial responses. I will ensure that all
those who have expressed concerns to me and/or Hans/Mike Hulme are informed of
the outcome.
Best wishes, Clare
Professor Michael E. Mann
Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903
e-mail: Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137