cc: "Michael E. Mann" , Malcolm Hughes ,,,,,,,, date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 10:54:56 -0400 from: Tom Crowley subject: peace to: Ed Cook Dear friends, I am concerned about the the stressed tone of some of the words being circulated lately. Such difficulties not only hamper collegiality (which I value greatly) but also the actual progress in our field. I think you are all fine fellows and very good scientists and that it is time to smoke the peace pipe on all this and put a temporary moratorium on more email messages until tempers cool down a bit. After this maybe we can discuss things somewhere where each party comes to the meeting beforehand with a commitment to even-handed discussion and give and take. I hope I have not offended anyone in this message -- it is of course a personal opinion. Maybe it is an illusion or prejudice on my part, but somehow I am not convinced that the "truth" is always worth reaching if it is at the cost of damaged personal relationships.... Best wishes, Tom -- Thomas J. Crowley Nicholas Professor of Earth Systems Science Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Box 90227 103 Old Chem Building Duke University Durham, NC 27708 919-681-8228 919-684-5833 fax