date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 15:04:58 -0700 from: Jerry Meehl subject: IPCC analysis and workshop to:, Jim Hurrell , Dave Gutzler , Lisa Goddard , David Legler ,, Ron Stouffer ,,,,,,,,, Sally Conlon , Susan Solomon , Scott Longmore , Dave Bader Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id iA9M5vUY004882 Dear analysts, Attached is an msword version of the message below. The WGCM Climate Simulation Panel and PCMDI (as noted yesterday) are pleased to announce the availability for analysis of the first of the global coupled climate model simulations performed for the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. As you know, fourteen modeling groups from around the world have been working very hard to complete their simulations for analysis. Due to various technical and logistical problems, there have been a number of delays in timely completion of these simulations. Since we realize you all are anxious to begin the analysis process on a tight time schedule, we apologize for these unavoidable delays. At this point, we have four models in the PCMDI archive, and you can start the process of downloading the model data. Please go to: for instructions on how to proceed. As part of the process, you will be directed to: This is an electronic registration step, separate from your registration of scientific interest with the WGCM Climate Simulation Panel. This step does not grant you access. Your registration still must be manually verified by PCMDI staff before your access is granted. This step can take up to 1 – 2 days, so please be patient. Also, to check the current status of the archive: Of course this is just the beginning of this process, and over the next few weeks and months, more and more models will be archived and made available. We strongly encourage you to be flexible in your analysis procedures to be able to accommodate an ever-increasing number of models in your analysis. Hopefully, your analysis software can be made to handle more models as they become available, and results you derive from the first of the models will be general and applicable to a larger number of models. That is, as more models are included in your analysis, the details of your figures will change but your conclusions will not. So that you won’t have to check the web page on a daily basis, we will email you periodic updates to inform you of changes in the model archive, letting you know when new models have arrived in the archive as well as any other pertinent developments. Recall that you are encouraged to present your analysis results at the Hawaii workshop in March, 2005. Additionally, for your results to be included for assessment in the IPCC AR4, papers describing your results must be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal prior to the second IPCC lead author meeting in May, 2005. Regarding the International Workshop on IPCC Model Analysis (where results from these analyses will be presented March 1-5 2005, hosted by the International Pacific Research Center at the University of Hawaii), a password-protected web page has been set up: Account: CMSAW Password: Honolulu200503 If you think you may attend the workshop, it is worth making hotel reservations sooner rather than later. We have secured conference rates at two hotels as described on the web page, but this rate is on a first come first served basis so we encourage you to try and make reservations before the end of November to make sure you get the reduced conference rate. After that, you may still be able to reserve the conference rate but the availability will decrease. There is also a meeting registration web page that can be linked from the meeting page, or accessed directly with the same account and password as noted above: Deadline for meeting registration is January 15, 2005. Once again, we thank you all for agreeing to participate in this exciting and worthwhile exercise for the IPCC AR4, and we look forward to seeing you in Hawaii in March, 2005! Best regards, Jerry Meehl for the WGCM Climate Simulation Panel And the International Workshop on IPCC Model Analysis Organizing Committee Attachment Converted: "c:\documents and settings\tim osborn\my documents\eudora\attach\analysis.announcement.doc"