cc:,m.hulme@uea date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 10:42:55 +0100 from: Mike Salmon subject: Re: more on 'panic' to: Tom Wigley Hi Tom, sorry to take so long to reply to this. >I have at last found a file MAG-F.FOR that says in its comments/history >header "THIS IS THE VERSION FOR UNDP" (statement dated Dec. 21, 1999). >The trouble is that the corresponding EXE file is 520,160 bytes, while >the MAG.EXE file in MAGICC/SCENGEN is only 329,728 bytes. >It could be that these two EXE files do come from the same .FOR file, >but that they were compiled with different versions of the FORTRAN >compiler. >Is this possible?? Yes. I've attached the mag.f that I believe is the UNDP version. I've also included the .mak file for it. I think I built the executable using Microsoft Fortran Powerstation 4.0 (I can send you a 145mb zip of the CD if you want ) with DOS command line nmake mag.mak I've just tried this and it gave me an executable 329,728 bytes long. It's not binary-identical with the UNDP one, but that may be date/time or path differences. >On looking thru MAG-F.FOR, I can't see anything that is a specific bit >of interface code -- so perhaps there is none. Can you tell me if what I >think happens (below) is right? >The MAG code is run a bunch of times. Each time it runs it produces a >set of *.dis files, and four driver files (*.out). It opens and closes >these each time it runs the code. (It also puts output into MAG.OUT, but >keeps this open all the time adding new results for each case.) >The dis and driver files are relabeled by the Tcl code, so that there >are a whole set of these files at the end, which are subsequently used >by SCENGEN. The key things are the driver files, which the Tcl code >labels as SGa.b, where a=L,M,H,U and b=DP,DR,UP,UR. >What this means is that, as long as I produce the driver and dis files >in any MAG code revision, the Tcl code will handle things???? >Is this right? Yes. All the file juggling is handled by the Tcl - the Fortran just does single runs. One gotcha is upper/lowercase - try to stick to lowercase filenames throughout. Mike. Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\"