date: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 15:40:51 +0100 from: "peter.thorne" subject: Summary to: Phil Jones Phil, Thanks for taking the time in the meetings. Hope that traffic wasn't too horrendous. Please update as you see fit. What I think we decided was this: We hold back on HadCRUT4 until both HadSST3 and CRUTEM4 are published. We aim for this release to be Dec 2010 / Jan 2011 We have parallel internal versions once HadSST3 is being updated Envisage in 2010 John K undertaking an update to CRUTEM to accomodate extra stations and tweaking land / sea merge and global average calculation steps. CRUTEM4 / HadCRUT4 paper would consist of: 1. New data (see action on PT) 2. Tweaked error model (urban and screens geographically variant) 3. Section assessing sensitivity to land-sea merge 4. Global average calculation assessment Actions: PT to contact Matt Menne of NCDC to try to ascertain the likely extra data we could gain from their holdings. PT to contact Tom Peterson to try to gain an urban / rural assignment catalogue. Post-AR5 would have to be a more in-depth error model and the grand vision although Phil expressed doubts about their efficacy / value for money vis-a-vis other potential uses. Peter -- Peter Thorne Climate Research Scientist Met Office Hadley Centre, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, EX1 3PB tel. +44 1392 886552 fax +44 1392 885681