cc:,,, date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:45:23 +0000 from: "Prf. Andy Haines" subject: MRC/NERC bid to: Dear Mike ,I have spoken to a colleague who has extensive experience of researching the mental health impacts of disasters-James Thompson from the Dept of Psychiatry at UCL .He is happy to advise on the extreme events component of our bid and I will add his name as a collaborator.He mentioned that the Flood Hazardds Centre at the University of Middlesex has a long record of studying the impactds of floods and suggests that they might be invited to collaborate on this project .What is your view on this -do your colleagues at UEA also have a track record in studying the impacts of floods ?If we do approach Middlesex Univ we would need to check that this doesnt make the Cooperative unwieldy .One possibility would be to include them as project collaborators but not as full members of the Cooperative.Tony will discuss the matter in principle with Joe McNamara at MRC. Meanwhile I look forward to hearing from you .Regards Andy