date: Wed, 25 Aug 99 07:33:34 EDT from: "Edward R. Cook" subject: Que pasa, amigo? to: Keith Briffa Hi Keith, How are things going these days. I am finally back for a fair length of time and am trying to get back into work. Right now it is not so easy. Has Wigley left yet? Did he try to reinvent the statistical wheel again? Fred Singer was here on Monday and gave a rather uninspired talk criticizing global warming, etc. He did show an example of the mis-use of statistics in the greenhouse attribution debate and it was one of Wigley's papers. It was the one in which Tom tried to show that the autocorrelation function of instrumental temperatures was far greater than the acf of temperatures from unforced OAGCM models, therefore "proving" that greenhouse gases were forcing instrumental temperatures. It was a pathetically poor paper that had Mark Cane, Yochanan Kushnir, Upmanu Lall, Balaji Rajagoplan (all good maths/stats people), and me just shaking our collective heads wondering what the fuck Wigley was trying to do. Needless to say, Singer quite easily showed how hopelessly flawed and ridiculous the analysis was, and everyone agreed with him for once. Other than that he pretty much fell on his face. Any new news on HIHOL? Just curious, and sorry for bringing it up if it is a pain in the ass for you at this time. I hope all is well at home and that you are rapidly getting into tiptop physical condition at the gym and taking your vitamins. Cheers, Ed