date: Wed Aug 5 16:58:21 2009
from: Phil Jones
subject: My earlier comments
Hi Matt,
My comments were tongue in cheek! The agreements that we're talking about
are not really confidentiality agreements that you're talking about. Lots are
unwritten agreements that we make scientist to scientist. Where there are
written agreements they are signed between me (or previous Director's
of CRU) with other academic institutions, which were not with their
central administration (but again a sub part). CRU doesn't initiate these,
but if the other side wants it and it will help us do some work then we go
ahead and sign. There is never any obligation on CRU or UEA. They are generally
about agreeing to work together on something.
The agreements Dave is talking about are ones that relate to us not
making climate data available to third parties, which we have got from a
National Met Service.
FOI is causing us a lot of problems in CRU and even more for Dave, as he has
to respond to them all.
It would be good if UEA went along with any other Universities who might be
lobbying to remove academic research activities from FOI. FOI is having an
impact on my research productivity. I also write references for people leaving
CRU, students and others. If I have to write a poor one, I make sure I get
the truth to the recipient in a phone call. I'm also much less helpful responding
to members of the public who email CRU regularly than I was 2-3 years ago.
I've seen some of what I considered private and frank emails appear on websites.
Issue here is blogsites have allowed these climate change deniers to find one
another around the world.
From: "Palmer Dave Mr (LIB)"
To: "Jones Philip Prof (ENV)" , "Colam-French Jonathan Mr
(ISD)" , "Mcgarvie Michael Mr (ACAD)" ,
"Ogden Annie Ms (MAC)"
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 15:32:05 +0100
Subject: FW: FOI/EIR request [FOI_09-69]
Thread-Topic: FOI/EIR request [FOI_09-69]
Thread-Index: AcoVvf08n/gEgJXORxOdPEoiA9w3TgAFFk3wAABnriAAAPaKIAAAOeMg
Accept-Language: en-US, en-GB
acceptlanguage: en-US, en-GB
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Aug 2009 14:32:07.0233 (UTC) FILETIME=[82575B10:01CA15D9]
In response to one of Phil's earlier emails regarding any policies regarding entering
into confidentiality agreements etc, I sent a query to REE to determine what relevant
information they might have... and received the below response to which I have responded
as you can see...
This does present something of a 'issue' in terms of drafting a response and dealing
with any potential follow up request/query regarding our practices in this regard. I
wonder if whether said policy was in force at the time the agreements were entered into
would be a way around this... the request is for current policies clearly.... I will
enquire further with Matt Hume....
Cheers, Dave
From: Palmer Dave Mr (LIB)
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 3:23 PM
To: Hume Matthew Mr (ACAD)
Cc: Walker Alan Dr (ACAD)
Subject: RE: FOI/EIR request [FOI_09-69]
Thanks very much for this... You have given me a bit of a conundrum on how to respond
but we do at least have something to work with....
What policy are you actually quoting from and is it publicly available? As the request
was for the entire policy, is there any issue with making the policy publicly
available? If the policy in regards confidentiality agreements is within a larger
document with unrelated material, I am happy to quote but I do think we will need to
provide a proper citation...
Cheers, Dave
From: Hume Matthew Mr (ACAD)
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 3:16 PM
To: Palmer Dave Mr (LIB)
Cc: Walker Alan Dr (ACAD)
Subject: RE: FOI/EIR request [FOI_09-69]
Hi Dave,
We all just had a very good laugh at Phil's comment "We do sometime ignore the
Registry advice"... If this is going to have the kind of publicity that you suggest,
I would prefer if you do not quote ANY of his answer to question 1.
The UEA actually has a very strict policy on entering into confidentiality
agreements, however as Phil so blithely admits, a handful of academics take it upon
themselves to foul things up!
As you will note from points 1 & 2 of our policy; no UEA employee, except members of
our office, has the right to sign anything on behalf of the university - the problem
is that funders/other parties can be sneaky by sending the agreement in the name of
the academic.
Our policy is:-
Someone from the Commercialisation & Enterprise Team should approve and sign all
Confidentiality Agreements:
only our staff have the legal authority to sign agreements on behalf of the
all agreements should be between the University of East Anglia and the party
requesting the agreement (not an individual academic or school)
we will negotiate with the other party on any issues within the document that may be
by doing this we will ensure you the best protection of your IP rights
(In special circumstances, authorisation may be obtained from the Commercialisation
& Enterprise Team allowing you to sign the agreement yourself. Such authorisation
must always be obtained in advance, will only be valid for a specific instance, and
the standard university agreement must be used without amendment - unless we have
authorised an amendment)
In all cases, a copy of the fully signed confidentiality agreement must be retained
in our office.
FYI - we are currently finishing off the final touches to our new intranet pages -
there will be a page on CDA's with this info on it.
Also, I am away on holiday next week (10th -14th), so if you do any more info on our
policy regarding agreements etc, please contact Anne Donaldson, one of our
Commercialisation Managers ([1]
From: Palmer Dave Mr (LIB)
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 2:47 PM
To: Hume Matthew Mr (ACAD)
Cc: Walker Alan Dr (ACAD)
Subject: FW: FOI/EIR request [FOI_09-69]
Importance: High
Please note Phil Jones' response to question 1 below - would REE have anything
that would be relevant to this request?
A bit of context - in response to a rejection of a request for data, we have
received over 50 requests for agreements, data and a combination thereof in
relation to data sets that CRU maintains/holds. This is pretty high profile
and has been noted in blogs in the Guardian and Telegraph as well as in the
source of all of this (see: [2] Be assure that
whatever we state in response to this request is likely to be on the web,
shared and very public within hours of sending....
We have a request from another individual exactly the same as below so there
will be multiple recipients of the answer we give.
Our deadline for a response is 21 August but as I'm on hols commencing 17
August, the 'effective' deadline is 14 August.
Cheers, Dave
From: Phil Jones [[3]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 12:15 PM
To: Palmer Dave Mr (LIB); Colam-French Jonathan Mr (ISD); Ogden Annie Ms
(MAC); Mee Andrew Mr (CSED)
Cc: Whitehead Steve Mr (FIN)
Subject: Re: FW: FOI/EIR request [FOI_09-69]
A few responses inline
At 11:52 05/08/2009, Palmer Dave Mr (LIB) wrote:
The next 'other' request relating the the CRU agreements & data.
The first part of the query will be answered in line with the answer given to
other requesters for the agreements.
In regards the second part, I will need some assistance as noted below
1. A copy of policies and procedures regarding employee responsibilities
regarding entering into confidentiality agreements.
Steve, do we have any contracting policy on this? Phil - anything with CRU on
responsibilities regarding entering agreements on behalf of CRU? I don't think
we wish to state that we don't have any policies or procedures in place, but
I'm not sure what to actually put here...
I don't think there is anything - if there is I've never seen it. People in
CRU (not just me) enter into
agreements about data and/or writing papers and getting involved in projects.
UEA signs research
contracts for us. UEA employees do the work, but UEA administers the grant.
The various
agreements that UEA signs may say things about data access, but it will vary
depending on
the funding body. Some are more stringent than others. The Registry goes
through these.
They mostly help the researchers by not letting ourselves sign away any
rights and IPR. We
do sometime ignore the Registry advice, preferring to fall back on the verbal
agreements we
have with the funders (their project officer). If we ever have a problem, we
probably wouldn't
work with them again. This has happened with some scientists I have
collaborated with in the past.
2. A copy of policies and procedures regarding employee responsibilities
regarding the preservation of written agreements.
Ah, records management rears its head.We have a general statement on our
website regarding our responsibilities for RM but we do lack any overarching
records retention schedule or policy Phil, does CRU have anything in-house?
CRU has nothing in this regard.
3. A copy of policies and procedures regarding employees entering into verbal
See question 1; same issue here although more likely to have a nil response
here consequences of that?
As said in the 2 pager we're working on, we put some of the agreements in
the letters we
wrote to Met Services requesting data (some of which we paid for).
There has been a lot of time and effort gone into making these contacts. It
seems as
though this counts for nothing.
Again - unlikely to be anything. People agree things with other academics at
This is how science works.
4. A copy of instructions to staff regarding compliance with FOI requests.
We have web guidance that can be referred to, and a brochure that I distribute
that could go here. and a statement regarding the training on offer
I'm not sure you want to go down this route!
Cheers, Dave
From: steven mosher [ [4]]
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 8:16 PM
To: Palmer Dave Mr (LIB)
Subject: FOI/EIR request
Dear Mr. Palmer:
Pursuant to the Environmental Information Regulations, I hereby request
the following information in respect to any confidentiality agreements
affecting CRUTEM station data involving station data in NIGERIA,
1. the date of such agreement;
2. the parties to the agreement;
3. a copy of that part of the agreement that prevents further
of the data to non-academics or others
4. a copy of the entire
In addition, I hereby request the following
1. A copy of policies and procedures regarding employee
responsibilities regarding entering into confidentiality
2. A copy of policies and procedures regarding employee
responsibilities regarding the preservation of written
3. A copy of policies and procedures regarding employees
entering into verbal
4. A copy of instructions to staff regarding compliance with FOI
I am requesting this information as part of my academic research.
Thank you for your attention,
Steven M. Mosher
Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email
Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email