cc: Tim Osborn ,,, "Mcgarvie Michael Mr \(ACAD\)" date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:21:53 +0100 from: Keith Briffa subject: Response to Holland - FYI to:,,,Eystein Jansen , Jonathan Overpeck ,David Rind ,,Bette Otto-Bleisner ,,joos , "Ricardo Villalba" , Valerie Masson-Delmotte , Dominique Raynaud ,,,,,, Dear Colleagues and fellow IPCC Chapter 6 authors For you information, I am copying my response to a letter I received from someone who is actively engaged on behalf of the Climate Change Sceptic lobby, here and abroad. As Tim and I informed you earlier, this person has also applied under the UK Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), for access to all of our email correspondence in relation to our roles as IPCC authors. This FOIA request is being considered by the relevant authorities at our university, but on advice from them and after discussion with my colleagues here, I have decided to send the attached brief personal response to the initial letter (also attached for reference). In this I take the opportunity to correct one widely promulgated erroneous notion that certain data were "censored" in the production of Figure 6.10b. I note and agree with Susan's opinion that the appropriate source of information for research into the development of the final chapter text is the web archive of FOD and SOD comments and responses. By providing this reply, however, it is hoped that it will be considered that I did not dismiss Holland's questions out of hand. My responses are intended to offer some personal comments while protecting the confidentiality of author interactions. I hope that none of you will consider that this letter in any way compromises or undermines the IPCC reporting process and it clearly indicates that further correspondence will not be entered into on the matter. I realise some of you may not agree with entering into any discussion at all and all I can say is that this has until now been my own opinion and the decision to send this response was not taken lightly. Also , thanks to each of you for your responses to the letter Tim and I sent regarding the FOIA request. Please be assured that Tim and I are determined to respect your wishes fully. best wishes Keith -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 Attachment Converted: "c:\documents and settings\tim osborn\my documents\eudora\attach\KRB letter to DavidHolland - 15.05.08.pdf" Attachment Converted: "c:\documents and settings\tim osborn\my documents\eudora\attach\Briffa011.pdf"