date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 11:09:49 -0500 from: "Cohen, Barbara" subject: EPSCoR State Laboratory 2007 Review Request - 107650 -Jones to: Dr. Jones, You have been recommended by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Program Manager, Anjuli Bamai, as a possible reviewer in the DOE's "Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DOE/EPSCoR); Building EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnerships" for the following proposal. To assist you I am attaching the abstract as a preview to the research project. Proposal # 107650 PI: Uma Bhatt University of Alaska Fairbanks Title: Characterization of the Dynamics of Climate Systems and Identification of Missing Mechanisms Impacting Global Climate Models ABSTRACT: The proposed research will investigate dynamical features in both observed and modeled climate data with the aim of answering the questions: how well do currently existing models capture the long-term dynamics present in real data and how can we improve models? Finding answers to these questions will be important if we are to use the outcome of these models for any kind of long-term projection as well as understanding the uncertainty in those predictions. To do this, we will use several tools that estimate the degree of memory that exists in a system, in both real and modeled data from the atmosphere-ice-oceanland system. The dynamical characteristics of time-series of several quantities related to the energy or information content will be examined (using, for instance, R/S analysis or the Renyi entropy) as well as the features of long-term transport of passive quantities (using fractional diffusive models). Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) will be conducting a web-based review. If you agree to assist us by reviewing this proposal, the proposal will be made available to you at the ORISE web site and you will be able to enter your evaluation into a web-based form to complete the review. DOE is asking a deadline of November 30, 2007 for the completion of your review. Please let us know your willingness to assist DOE EPSCoR in this review process. If you are willing to participate, I will send you the necessary information via e-mail, and your access information to the web-site via Federal Express. Thank you for your assistance in the review process. We will greatly appreciate your time commitment to this important effort. Should you have any questions of a programmatic nature, please contact Dr. Kristin Bennett, DOE EPSCoR Program Manager, at 301-903-4269 or via e-mail at [1] Questions of an administrative nature should be directed to Barbara Cohen, ORISE, at 865-576-3717, e-mail [2] or Sophia Kitts at 865-576-2270 or [3] Sincerely, Barbara Cohen ************************************************* Barbara Cohen ORAU/ORISE PO Box 117, MS 17, MC 212 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117 Phone: 865.576.3717; FAX: 865.241.3168 [4] ***************************************************