cc: "Phil Jones"
date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 15:16:20 +0100
from: "Jenkins, Geoff"
subject: RE: Review
to: "C G Kilsby"
Thanks, Chris. In principle they have the power to tell Defra: these projections arent good
enough, go back and modify, start again etc Being blunt: which of these reviewers will give
the best outcome? ie arent too academic (so wont recommend their pet algorithm over yours),
can be practical and pragmatic about what we can supply to users, understand what they want
and can accept etc? we are asking them to confirm the projections are credible and
fit-for-purpose, not perfect. Suggest we give say 2 preffered names eg 1 modeller and 1
intelligent user, and 2 backups. covering the both the stochastic rainfall bit (ie
UNEW) and the WG proper (ie UEA)
Confusion? Delay? Reduced confidence? Yep, all of the above.
Saw Jon Taylor yesterday. He has just come back from a BAe 146 campaign in Alaska to look
at radiation over ice and snow, and is now heading for Jordan to do the same over deserts.
From: C G Kilsby []
Sent: 01 October 2008 14:38
To: Jenkins, Geoff
Cc: Phil Jones
Subject: RE: Review
Phil, Geoff
agreed - probably will be a major pain.
Not at all clear to me what remit/powers of the review will have, and therefore
considerable risk of confusion/delay/reduced confidence in products etc.
Anyway: possible reviewers for WG:
-Semenov at Long Ashton and/or Lenny Smith both bid for the WG work and therefore doubtful
whether they can offer truly independent views.
- Rob Wilby is an obvious choice, although also not truly independent - he does at least
understand the business well, and in the past has been all to ready to offer criticisms!
- Chris Onof a possibility, very exp in rainfall modelling, although not too up to speed on
climate side
- Nick Reynard is a major user of this sort of stuff, as are some of his team (Alison Kay,
Christel Prudhomme)
- overseas - Linda Mearns at NCAR?
- Paolo Burlando (ETHZ), Alberto Montanari (Bologna) - both familiar with rainfall
models/climate change
- others less useful: (Bardossy (too busy), Adri Buishand (too thorough and conservative!)