date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 18:29:33 +0600 from: Rashit subject: Re[3]: Climate Audit to: Tom Melvin Dear Tom, in addition to Stepan's information: site coordinates: pictures have been made from the point at about 66°51'N 65°33'E on Agust 3, 1962 and July 6, 2004. Outermost right part of 110 correspond to outermost left part of 111. One more picture is attached: 80: 66°51'N 65°36' on Agust 5, 1962 and July 5, 2004. Best regards Rashit Hantemirov Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology 8 Marta St., 202 Ekaterinburg, 620144 Russia Tel: +7(343) 260-64-94 Fax: +7(343) 260-65-00, 260-82-56 E-mail: below is answer of finnish journalist to my message for information -------------------------- October 7 Dear Rashit M. Hantemirov Thank you for your fast and kind reply. To be clear, I would like to say, that nobody has accused you personally of anything. Mr. McIntyre has only raised the question, if Keith Briffa has used your material in an inappropriate way concerning the extent of the sample extracted from your original data. Concerning fig 5 in your preliminary report, could you please still provide me the not-smoothed, numerical version of the data ? Yours, Martti Backman -------------------------- Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\80.jpg"