date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:46:52 +0000 from: Mike Hulme subject: Swiss centre to: Keith, Know anything about this? Mike Switzerland has established ten National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCRs), one of which is on Climate variability, predictability and climate risks (NCCR Climate), lead by Heinz Wanner, University of Bern, with Sfr 8.2 m over 3 years (£M1.1/year) Interior minister, Ruth Dreifuss, announced in mid December that SFr 126 million had been allocated from 2001-2003 to fund long-term research into life sciences, sustainable development and environment, information and communication technologies and other areas. Ten projects were chosen to be the new NCCRs out of 229 put forward. As well as government funding, each project will be allocated a research centre and be linked to a network of researchers in similar fields.