cc: Ray Bradley ,,, Phil Jones , date: Sun, 09 Feb 2003 16:53:34 -0700 from: "Malcolm Hughes" subject: Re: to: Scott Rutherford Deear Scott - please find attached the mss with some suggested changes - I have used track changes. My comments are very similar to Tim's. We could drop the CE and the mixed hybrid. I'm not so sure about dropping the Esper comparison, but son't fell strongly about it either way. After making the changes, it also occurred to me that the criterion for weighting the high or low frequency components could give too much weight to poor low freuquency records with no high frequency and undervalue records with good signal in both wavebands, so that when it comes to the next generation of reconstructions we should use a different approach to weighting. Cheers, MalcolmMalcolm Hughes Professor of Dendrochronology Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 520-621-6470 fax 520-621-8229