date: Sat, 29 May 2004 18:04:37 +0100 from: Christina Hutchins subject: Climate Change Communications to: Dear Mike RE: A UK CLIMATE CHANGE COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMME Thank you for coming to the meeting on Friday 21st May convened by BP and Our World Foundation to discuss a UK climate change communications programme to raise awareness about climate change. We were proposing as per Art 6s COP 8 recommendation that such a programme be steered and implemented by an active coalition between government, the private sector and NGO pariticpants. It was mentioned at the meeting that there are at present several initiatives being progressed concerned with the same issue - this would perhaps reinforce that there is widespread concern for the need for such awareness raising. There are however it seems differences amongst the various initiatives with regard to how such a programme should be implemented whether such a programme should be purely government led or government body led, whether communications peoples should run the programme in consultation with stakeholders as the Climate Communications Project are proposing, whether it should be just NGO led or a collaboration between government, the private sector and NGOs. We are proposing a coalition between government, the private sector and NGOs to oversee and direct the programme and that a wide range of stakeholders from the various sectors are actively engaged both at the creative level but also with implementation of the programme. One approach to how this may be structured is proposed in the document attached. There are a plethora of committed and skilled peoples and organisations highly concerned with climate change It would seem a great waste at this juncture to not fully embrace and utilise the energies, resources, commitments and networks that exist and care about this issue as well as others that may be made to care so as to come together in a national movement driven towards change. We surely need to work together on one initiative as well as continuing our separate concerns. What does seem imperative at this juncture however is for whatsoever programme howsoever implemented to be as effective as possible for at present we are not stopping climate change. It is hoped that effecting change with climate change may be considered the overriding principle with which to determine how best such a national programme should be implemented. It has been suggested that a Taskforce be formed to quickly assess the different proposals put forward by parties, to disseminate such proposals to all concerned and then perhaps collectively to best determine the most effective way forward. Please do forward your views regarding such a Taskforce, how you feel such a programme may be best implemented and general comments. Also Francis Sullivan from HSBC suggested parties circulate their current climate change awareness raising activity to others present at the meeting. I attach notes from the meeting and ask that you forward your views if possible by the 11^th June which views will then be circulated to all parties present. With best wishes Christina Hutchins Our World Foundation 267 Ladbroke Grove London WIO 6HF 44 208 964 1774 Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\commnotes.doc" Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\ukart6doc.doc"