date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 13:12:34 -0400 from: subject: Plan of action for Chapter 2 to:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Below is the text and attached is a file in MSWord regarding a plan of action for Chapter 2 leading up to the IPCC Meeting in Arusha, Tanzania. June 21, 1999 Dear Lead Authors and Key Contributors, This note is to outline a plan of action for Chapter 2 leading up to the IPCC meeting in Arusha, Tanzania to take place 1-3 September. As you know, we are now in the midst of a “friendly review” from our colleagues of the strawman draft of our chapter. We expect to receive comments from these reviews through middle or even late July. These reviews will include some from people other than our nominated reviewers, like Sir John Houghton, from whom we have just had a brief review. Please check regularly with the email site to cover this aspect. Accordingly we ask each of the individuals listed below to revise the draft section as suggested below, and to indicate their response to reviewer’s comments. The first person listed is to take the lead, and individuals with an asterisk by his name are to prepare the material for presentation in Arusha. We would ask that a provisionally revised part of your chapter be completed by 20 August and emailed to Tom Karl or placed on the web-site so that Sylvia Decotiis can create a new version of Chapter 2 for Tom to bring to Tanzania. Tom will bring one paper copy of the provisional new “Arusha” version of chapter 2 to Tanzania, and a complete series of electronic files which can be input to PCs via 1.4MB floppy disks. It would be a considerable advantage for attendees to bring portable PCs, though we expect some IPCC PCs to be available at the Arusha International Conference Centre. Chris Folland will be leaving for Tanzania early (24 Aug) whereas Tom Karl will still be available until 29 Aug for urgent interactions. We will decide later as to whom, and how many of us, should actually make presentations, noting that Hans Oerlemans is not likely to be present. But all attendees be prepared, and bring appropriate visual material and of course, further suggestions. We have listed assignments next to each section. Section 2 ----- Tom Karl* and Chris Folland* Executive Summary — total revision and update Section 2.1 ---- Chris Folland* Changes needed regarding uncertainty guidelines Section 2.2.1 ---- Chris Folland* Okay for now Section 2.2.2 ---- David Parker, Phil Jones, Tom Peterson, Chris Folland* Length okay, but reduce number of figures. Section 2.2.3 ---- John Christy* Check for accuracy Section 2.2.4 ---- John Christy* Check for accuracy Section 2.2.5 to 2.2.6 ---- Oelermans*, Nick Rayner, John Walsh, David Robinson, Tom Karl and Chris Folland. Glacier section needs to be updated Section 2.2.7 ---- Oelermans, Tom Karl* Check for accuracy Sections 2.3 through Section 2.3.5---- Mike Mann*, Phil Jones Reduce in size by about 10% Section 2.4 through Section 2.4.5 ----Jean Jouzel* Reduce in size about 10% Section 2.5 through 2.5.4 ---- Jim Salinger*, Pasha Groisman, Mike Hulme, Wang. Provide a better context for why this section is important, more on upper tropospheric water vapor if possible Section 2.5.5 ---- Steve Warren, Dale Kaiser, Tom Karl* Add new analyses of cloud amount Section 2.5.6 ----Jim Salinger* Section 2.6 through 2.6.6 ----Jim Salinger*, George Gruza, Alynn Clarke, Wang. Reduce in size by at least 50%. Identify a rationale section at the beginning. IPCC 1995 will help here. Some material may go elsewhere. May need to consult Mike Mann or Jean Jouzel. Please send revised section to Chris Folland to finally review (even if not complete) by 16 August. Chris will feed back changes to Jim by 23 August. Jim Salinger should interact with Chris during this work too. Jim should prepare presentational material Section 2.7 through 2.7.4 ----David Easterling, Pasha Groisman, Tom Karl* Review for accuracy Povl Frich: please interact and be prepared to present extremes parts. Jim Salinger: you may have more material on extremes in the South Pacific. Please feed this to Tom Karl and Povl Frich. Section 2.8 ---- Tom Karl, Chris Folland* Develop a summary, including strawman cartoon In addition we have about twice the number of figures that will be allowed so everyone should identify figures that can be removed or combined to reduce the size. The latter can sometimes be very effective. At the present time we are about 1/3 over our word limit so everyone will have to respond to the reviewers (often requesting more), and yet being more judicious in the words we use. Please consult the 1995 IPCC Report as a guide. Please do not hesitate to comment on these plans, preferably as soon as possible, so that holiday arrangements etc do not cause problems. Cheers and thanks, Chris and Tom (See attached file: ARUSHA INSTR LEAD AUTHORS.doc) National Climatic Data Center Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\ARUSHA INSTR LEAD AUTHORS.doc"