date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 17:27:59 -0000 from: "Reisinger, Andy" subject: [Wg1-ar4-las] Invitation for informal review of SYR preliminary to: "Reisinger, Andy" Dear colleague On behalf of the Chair of the IPCC, it is my pleasure to invite you to undertake an informal review of the preliminary draft of the Synthesis Report (SYR) of the AR4. Please submit your personal review comments by 7 January 2007 via email to: Please note that this preliminary draft of the SYR is necessarily at an early stage of preparation. It is based on a stock-take of the three draft IPCC Working Group reports, which are at various stages of completion. It will undergo substantial revision in response to your comments and further work by members of the Core Writing Team, and also to reflect further changes in the underlying Working Group reports. Because the conclusions of some of the Working Groups are still under revision, parts of this preliminary draft may not fully reflect the final conclusions of the Assessment. As lead authors and scientists familiar with both the science in the current IPCC draft assessment reports and the IPCC process, your comments and suggestions at this early stage form an important input to the further work of the Core Writing Team. Because of its preliminary nature, which arises from overlaps in the timing for the SYR with the schedules of the Working Group reports, this draft has not been seen or discussed in its entirety by all members of the Core Writing Team. The Chair would therefore particularly welcome your comments on structure, balance, consistency and interactions between topics, including suggestions on possible synthesis of material from the Working Groups. To protect the integrity of the IPCC, please treat this draft as strictly confidential. You may not quote, cite or distribute this draft, which would include not passing it on even to close colleagues. Access details are provided below. Please do not share this password with others. If you have been invited to act as Review Editor for the SYR, please DO NOT submit any comments on the topic for which you would later act as Review Editor. We look forward to your valuable input to the SYR. Please note that due to tight deadlines, we must receive your comments by 7 January 2007 for the Core Writing Team to make full use of them. Access details: Username: ar4syrexpr password: syrexrev01 Best wishes, Andy ----------------- Dr Andy Reisinger Head, Technical Support Unit for the IPCC Synthesis Report Met Office, FitzRoy Road, Exeter EX1 3PB, UK Phone (mobile): +44 7920 296 938 Phone (office): +44 1392 88 4163 Fax: +44 1392 88 5681 Email: _______________________________________________ Wg1-ar4-las mailing list