date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 14:54:42 +0100 from: "Griggs, Dave" subject: Collated comments - Ch 10 to: 'TAR Chapter 10' Dear Chapter 10 Attached are two rtf files of General Comments and two rtf files containing the collated comments received during the government/expert review of your chapter. We have separated the comments into those which are official government comments and those which are from experts. I hope this is helpful to you. The cross-cutting issues paper on Uncertainties which relates to some General Comments from Steve Schneider will be sent in a separate e-mail as sending all in one go exceeds the mail limit. If you have any difficulty opening the attachments please let me know. For information, those who do not have access to e-mail are being sent the comments by DHL. You will recall that this review also included the Technical Summary (TS) and Summary for Policymakers (SPM). Not surprisingly, these two parts of the report attracted a lot of comments. As you know, these documents were based on the underlying chapters and were drafted to be as consistent as possible with them using, in many cases, text from the chapters. Hence, many of the suggestions for changes to the TS and SPM imply suggested changes to the underlying chapters. Therefore, we are going through the comments on the TS and SPM and are picking out those that are also issues for the chapters. We plan to send you a file of such "pass-through" comments that pertain to your chapter, once we complete this task in a few days. Each set of pass-through comments will be cross-referenced to the associated locations in your chapter, in order to facilitate your going through the pass-through and chapter comments. We expect that many of the pass-through comments will also appear in your chapter's comments, so that the cross-referencing will perhaps help dealing with both at one step. I will also be sending out an agenda for the Victoria meeting shortly but we plan to run the meeting very much along the same lines as both the Arusha and Auckland meetings. Good luck going through the comments and I look forward to seeing you all in Victoria. Best regards Dave <> <> <> <> ----------------------------------------- Dr David Griggs IPCC WGI Technical Support Unit Hadley Centre Met. Office London Road Bracknell Berks, RG12 2SY UK Tel +44 (0)1344 856615 Fax: +44 (0)1344 856912 Email: ----------------------------------------- Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\General. - Master1.rtf" Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Gov.-Gen master1.rtf" Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Chapter 10. - Master (Exp.).rtf" Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Gov.-ch10 master.rtf"