, "Eastwood David Prof \(VCO\) k340" , "Ros Pye"
date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 11:54:13 +0100
from: "Trevor Davies"
subject: BP
to: , , ,
Peter had some feedback from BP on the ride down to the station. The VC happened to be on
the same train as them, and had opportunity to talk over the day and gain further insight
into BP's ideas of where they see themselves in 20 years time.
They see some clear possibilities with some of the "corporate risk" work of Nick Pidgeon
and a connection with CRed. Ahead of the day they had anticipated cooperation of some sort
with TYN, although they had no clear view of what that might be. After the discussion in
the Callendar Room they felt that they still had not identified the 'big idea' around which
to start a relationship. Peter and the VC's view is that they had a presumption towards
being convinced if TYN can come up with right idea/form of relationship, and given TYN's
position/status, they would expect TYN to take the lead in this regard. They are obviously
prepared to think at the highest level - their reference to 3/4 of the top 20 in the
company (& reps of similar status from other major companies).
Can I suggest that we have de-briefing with PSL and the VC reporting back on impressions &
a start on what TYN may be able to suggest? Clearly there would then need to be
consultation with TYN N&S etc.
PSL is away from the middle of next week. VC is happy to find an hour (courtesy of Ros). If
you are happy with this, could you ask Vanessa to try to fix up a meeting. My sec is away
ENV has an internal exam board Mon 09.15m, but we should be OK from 12.30 onwards. I could
make before 09.00, 12.30-15.30, after 17.00.
Tuesday I could make before 08.30, 9-10, 15.30-16.30, 17.30-19.30
These times any use?
Professor Trevor D. Davies
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
Tel +44 (0)1603 592836
Fax +44 (0)1603 593792