date: Mon Jun 19 21:02:11 2000 from: Mike Hulme subject: Fwd: Re: new Tyndall Centre Research Director to: p.jones Here is Mike MacCracken's reply. Mike Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:11:54 -0400 To: Mike Hulme From: Mike MacCracken Subject: Re: new Tyndall Centre Research Director Dear Mike--Thanks for thinking of me, sounds like a really great opportunity. And given that the Administration may change and I may be forced out of Washington, it sounds even more exciting. However, with my wife and I each haveing elderly mothers and some other family issues, it is just not the right time for me to make a major 5-year commitment, and that is certainly what is needed. I assume you are contacting others about such an opportunity--Kevin Trenberth at a senior level and Dave Easterling at an emerging level come to mind. Or maybe Mike Wallace at Univ. of Washington. Or Doug Martinson at Lamont-Doherty. Or Eric Barron at Penn State (though trying to attract people away from universities might be very difficult). And others. Mike >Dear Mike, > >You may have picked this up on the wires or press over the last week or so >and I hope >you've heard about the new UK initiative in this area. > >Anyway, I thought I would draw your attention to this prestige post on >offer at UEA. >Not really knowing what your plans maybe I can at least enquire as to your >possible >interest. I'd be happy to furnish more details if you'd like. > >Regards, > >Mike > >____________________________________________________________--- > > >UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA >Research Director, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research > >The University of East Anglia (UEA) seeks to appoint a Research Director, >at senior professorial level, of the newly announced Tyndall Centre, the >national UK centre for interdisciplinary research on climate change. The >Centre is based in the internationally-renowned School of Environmental >Sciences at UEA, but involves a Consortium of nine UK higher education and >research institutions. The Tyndall Centre aims to "further our >understanding of the causes and consequences of global climate change and >to identify, promote and facilitate sustainable solutions that will >minimise the adverse effects of climate change and stimulate the transition >to a more benign energy and mobility regime." > >The Research Director will be a research leader of international >stature. S/he will be: an innovative thinker demonstrating experience of, >and commitment to, integrated research; a first-class communicator and >team-builder; able to inspire and work effectively with scientific >colleagues, business leaders and public decision-makers alike. The >Research Director will have overall responsibility for the Centre, but will >work closely with the Executive Director in fulfilling the Centre's >objectives. Together they will be accountable to the funding bodies three >UK Research Councils (Natural Environment Research Council, Economic and >Social Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research >Council) and the Department of Trade and Industry. The Research Director >will be based at UEA, but is expected to travel widely within the UK and >abroad. > >Further particulars about the Tyndall Centre Consortium, the University of >East Anglia and instructions for applicants are available from the >Registrar and Secretary, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ >(answerphone +44 1603 593648, Email: Please quote >reference number AC321. For further information about the vision and >operation of the Centre please contact the Executive Director, Dr Mike >Hulme (tel: +44 1603 593162; email: > >The closing date for applications is 21 July 2000 and interviews are >provisionally scheduled for 19 September 2000. The appointment will be for >an initial 5-year term and at senior professorial level. Salary will be >commensurate with the importance and seniority of the appointment. The >Centre is to be officially launched in October 2000 and the Director must >be in post as soon as possible thereafter. Michael C. MacCracken, Ph.D. National Assessment Coordination Office U. S. Global Change Research Program Suite 750 400 Virginia Avenue Washington DC 20024 Tel: (202) 314-2230 (Main number for NACO) Tel: (202) 314-2233 (office and voicemail) Fax: (202) 488-8681 or (202) 488-8678 E-mail: National Assessment Home Page: [1]