date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 12:29:51 +0100 (BST) from: David Lister subject: newbigfile to: Phil, I have processed the latest Canadian homogenized series that came via Lucie Vincent. I have a couple of questions: Are these files a kind of revamp on the earlier set that Anders(?) incorporated into our archives. Were the earlier set just a collection of long (sometimes joined) files or had there been some homogenization work at that time? Which is the (latest) current working version of the file *newbigfile*? Is it the one that I produced (newbigfile0606.dat)? I think that Harry may have produced a version that "we should all use" - i will have to look into this. When I merge the new series with *newbigfile*, I will get an outfile of differences for overlap periods. I will check this for any problems. Cheers David