date: Fri, 3 May 2002 18:31:29 +0100 from: "Simon Torok" subject: In Tyndall 37 to: In Tyndall 37: The fortnightly Tyndall Centre internal newsletter This newsletter is intended for internal use only. Please check with the External Communications Manager ( before forwarding any information within. 1. New climate scenarios for the UK The UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) 2002 climate change scenarios have now been launched. They are based on new GCM results from the Hadley Centre, and were prepared by Tyndall researchers under contract to DEFRA for UKCIP ( They provide the latest information on how climate may change in the 21st century, for policy makers, those researching climate change impacts and adaptation, for businesses and organisations, and the general public. The scenarios represent a major step forward in understanding how climate may change across the UK over the coming century, and will be the definitive 'state of the art' for several years to come. 2. Third issue of Tynd-All now available Tynd-All is the quarterly summary of past Tyndall events, news and announcements of coming activities and opportunities. It is aimed at external stakeholders and is being sent quarterly by email to about 300 people who have registered for it at the Tyndall Website. The latest issue is now archived at and you are encouraged to inform any external contacts of its availability and suggest they sign up for it by filling in the online form at (or follow the link from the front page of the Tyndall Website). 3. Tyndall North scoping study for SDC The Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) is undertaking a scoping study entitled 'Area-based Carbon Emissions Reduction'. Tyndall North, in association with De Montfort and Manchester Universities, was appointed to assist the SDC in its appraisal of existing initiatives and to advise on the future work, focusing on local to regional projects, programmes and policies that assist in the eventual delivery of large reductions of carbon emissions. Simon Shackley and others gathered information about decarbonisation work, including carbon emission reduction initiatives undertaken by companies, local authorities, NGOs, universities, and other individual organisations. The Tyndall Centre has now finalised the report to the Commission, entitled 'Low Carbon Spaces', which will soon be publicly available. A database of UK carbon reduction activities has also been prepared and will be launched as a public resource in due course. 4. Science for Sustainability event at UEA The Tyndall Centre is supporting a two-day high-level event to be held at the University of East Anglia on 2-3 July 2002 that will provide an opportunity to debate the contribution of international science towards the objectives to be laid out at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in late August. The event is organised by the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA, the Royal Society, the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the UK DTI. Keynote speakers include the government's chief scientist Professor David King, Christian Patermann from the European Commission, and John Schellnhuber. The conclusions of the meeting will be submitted to the WSSD. 5. Publications by Tyndall Centre researchers Tyndall researchers are highlighted in bold. Publications marked * arise from research funded largely by the Tyndall Centre. A full publications list is at * Adger, W.N., Huq, S., Brown, K., Conway, D. and Hulme, M. (2002). Adaptation to climate change: Setting the Agenda for Development Policy and Research. Tyndall Centre Working Paper 16. Berkhout, F. (2002) Technological regimes, path dependency and the environment. Global Environmental Change, 12, 1-4 * Hulme, M., Turnpenny, J. R. and Jenkins, G. (2002). Climate Change Scenarios for the United Kingdom: The UKCIP02 Briefing Report. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, 15pp. * Hulme, M., Jenkins, G. Lu, X., Turnpenny, J. R., Mitchell, T. D., Jones, R. G., Lowe, J., Murphy, J. M., Hassell, D., Boorman, P., McDonald, R. and Hill, S. (2002). Climate Change Scenarios for the United Kingdom: The UKCIP02 Scientific Report. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, 120pp. * Hulme, M. (2002). The changing climate of the UK: now and in the future. Pp.9-26 In: Climate change: impacts on UK forests Broadmeadow, M. (ed), Forestry Bulletin No. 125, Institute of Chartered Foresters/Forestry Commission, Edinburgh, 198pp. * Köhler, J.H. (2002). Long run technical change in an energy-environment-economy (E3) model for an IA system: A model of Kondratiev waves. Tyndall Centre Working Paper 15. Lu, X., Crossley, J. and Hulme, M. (2002) An exploration of regional climate change scenarios for Scotland. Scottish Geographical Journal, 117, 251-270. * Shackley, S. and Gough, C. (2002). The Use of Integrated Assessment: An Institutional Analysis Perspective. Tyndall Centre Working Paper 14. Turnpenny J.R., Crossley J. F., Hulme M. and Osborn T. J. (2002). Air flow influences on local climate: comparison of a regional climate model with observations over the United Kingdom. Climate Research 20: 189-202 6. Tyndall in the news The UKCIP02 scenario launch generated wide media interest, with Mike Hulme and John Turnpenny conducting many interviews. The scenarios were reported by the Financial Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Express and regional papers, BBC national and local news, BBC News24, ITV national and regional news, Radio 4 and regional BBC networks. Meanwhile, a press release was sent to energy journals and other media to mark the first month of the Renewables Obligation and highlighting the Briefing Note analysing the new policy by Jim Watson and Adrian Smith at SPRU, (the full Briefing Note is available at The Norwich Evening News described the free public workshop at Norwich Cathedral tomorrow (Saturday) from 9.30am where Andrew Watkinson and Tim O'Riordan will discuss the science, management and spirituality of the coast. Jean Palutikof discussed wind decreases in the Arctic with Nature's news service. And Simon Torok was interviewed by Al-Ahram Weekly in Egypt for a general article on climate change. 7. Science, impacts and policy workshop The Tyndall Centre's Rachel Warren and Larissa Naylor (UEA), Terry Barker (Cambridge) and Melvin Cannell (CEH) were amongst the speakers at the workshop 'Climate Change: Science, Impacts and Policy Responses' held in April. The training programme, for government and industry professionals seeking a more in-depth understanding of the issues surrounding climate change, was organised by Imperial College's Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, Oxford University's Environmental Change Institute and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. International industry, government and academic representatives were in attendance. 8. Worth a surf The European Union has delivered on its long-standing commitment to stabilise emissions of carbon dioxide at their 1990 level by 2000, despite an emissions upturn in the final year of the period. Total carbon dioxide emissions from the 15 EU Member States were 0.5% lower in 2000 than 10 years earlier, the latest emissions inventory from the European Environment Agency shows. The inventory is available on the EEA's web site at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact if you wish to stop receiving In Tyndall. Back issues of In Tyndall are archived at The next internal newsletter will arrive on 20 May 2002. Please send to any interesting news, announcements, classifieds, Web sites, publications, media appearances, grant and conference alerts, etc.