date: Fri Jul 9 09:00:57 2004
from: Phil Jones
subject: Re: Reviewers' comments on draft final report
to: "Rob Wilby"
Thanks for the comments. David and I will digest them all over the weekend and we'll
await your annotated draft, which may arrive later today or Monday. Where will you be
next week, so we can call and discuss the responses we can and can't make? As the
project is finished David and I can only spend a few days to a week or so revising the
text. I hope you realise this and we'd like to do this in the next couple of weeks. We
can't do any more work with double-mass plots or go to better ways of calculating AET.
We can add additional references partly justifying the fixed AET values whilst also adding
the references suggested. There are a few papers - one in Science - that show in the US
that AET is going down, not up, even though PET is going up. There is a convoluted
reason. I will have to revisit all this in the IPCC Chapter I'm co-ordinating.
Also, we won't be able to go back to the EA regions about rating curves etc, but we can
up wording in a number of places. We can add that this was the position when we went
to the EA. I remember improving access was your aim in getting us to do the work. So,
we have got a few people to think in a better way.
In all the contacts with the EA regions that David had no-one mentioned Wiski or
Hiflow ?
I guess the revised ratings came from the recent spells of high flows in 2000/2001.
One final thing. I'm on a GCOS group that is writing an Implementation Plan. I'm on
for the atmosphere, but the terrestrial people are there. They have a lot more
but they talk a lot about riverflow wrt GTOS. We could mention this at some point. The EA
should be sending long series of riverflow to GTOS (well the runoff data centre in Koblenz
if they take on the responsibility) for a few selected catchments.
So thanks again and we'll be in touch next week when we know where you'll be.
At 14:08 08/07/2004 +0100, you wrote:
Dear David
Please find attached three sets of independent comments on your draft
final report on "Reconstructed river flow series from 1860s to present"
(SC-03/02). I have also posted you my annotated draft today. Once you
have had a chance to digest the feedback, perhaps you'd like to give me
a call so that we can discuss delivery of the final report? We will also
need to arrange delivery of the reconstructed flow series.
Best wishes, Rob.
Dr R.L. Wilby
Climate Change Science Manager
Environment Agency
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