date: Sat, 17 May 2008 12:06:18 +0100 (BST) from: subject: [Fwd: EA 21389 - Probabilistic information to inform EA decision to:, ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: [Fwd: EA 21389 - Probabilistic information to inform EA decision making on climate change impacts - PCC(08)01] From: Date: Sat, May 17, 2008 12:04 pm To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can we meet on Monday to discuss this and hear from Phil what was decided at the London meeting? I'll be in late Monday (waiting for someone to look at my leaking roof) - so maybe early afternoon. I'm going down to London early evening and will be at Chelsea on tuesday. Good to see Saffron is getting some publicity! Clare ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: EA 21389 - Probabilistic information to inform EA decision making on climate change impacts - PCC(08)01 From: "Darch, Geoff J" Date: Fri, May 16, 2008 9:06 am To: "Jim Hall" "C G Kilsby" "Mark New" "Anthony Footitt" "Suraje Dessai" "Phil Jones" "Clare Goodess" Cc: "McSweeney, Robert" "Arkell, Brian" "Sene, Kevin" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear all, Please find attached the final tender pack for the Environment Agency bid. The tasks have been re-jigged, with the main change being a broadening of flood risk management to flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM). This means a wider audience to include all operating authorities, and the best practice guidance required (new Task 11) is now substantial element, to include evaluation of FCERM climate change adaptation, case studies and provision of evidence to help upgrade the FCDPAG3 Supplementary Note. We have just one week to finish this tender, as it must be posted on Friday 23rd. We are putting together the bid document, which we'll circulate on Monday 19th, but in the meantime, and by the end of Tuesday 20th, I need everyone to send information (as indicated in brackets) to support the following structure: + Understanding of the tender + Methodology and programme (methodology for tasks / sub-tasks - see below - and timing) + Project team, including individual and corporate experience (who you are putting forward, pen portraits, corporate case studies) + Financial and commercial (day rates and number of days; please also highlight potential issues with the T&Cs e.g. IPR) + Health & Safety, Quality and Environmental Management + Appendices (full CVs, limited to 6 pages) Please send to me and Rob McSweeney. The information I have already e.g. on day rates, core pen portraits etc will go straight into the version we're working on, so no need to re-send. In terms of tasks (new nos.), the following organisation is suggested based on what has been noted to date: Task 1 (Inception meeting and reporting) Atkins, supported by lead representatives of partners Task 2 (Project board meetings) Atkins, supported by lead representatives of partners Task 3 (Analysis of user needs) Atkins with Tyn@UEA and OUCE, plus Futerra depending on style Task 4 (Phase 2 programme) Atkins, supported by all Task 5 (Interpret messages from UKCIP08 projections) CRU, OUCE and Newcastle, with Atkins advice on sectors Task 6 (Development of business specific projections) Newcastle and CRU, with Atkins advice on policy and ops Task 7 (Putting UKCIP08 in context) CRU, Newcastle and OUCE Task 8 (User guidance) Atkins, Tyn@UEA, Futerra Task 9 (Pilot studies) Atkins, Newcastle, OUCE, Tyn@UEA Task 10 (Phase 3 programme) Atkins, supported by all Task 11 (Best Practice Guidance for FCERM) Newcastle and Atkins, with CRU Task 12 (Awareness raising events) Atkins, key experts, Futerra (perhaps as an option as EA are quite specific here) Task 13 (Training events) Atkins and Futerra Note that Futerra is a communications consultancy, specialising in sustainability, who will input on workshops and on the guidance documents. I'll be in touch again early next week. Best wishes, Geoff Geoff Darch Senior Consultant Water and Environment ATKINS Broadoak, Southgate Park, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6YS, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1733 366969 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 366999 Mobile: +44 (0) 7834 507590 E-mail: Web: This email and any attached files are confidential and copyright protected. If you are not the addressee, any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, nothing stated in this communication shall be legally binding. The ultimate parent company of the Atkins Group is WS Atkins plc. Registered in England No. 1885586. Registered Office Woodcote Grove, Ashley Road, Epsom, Surrey KT18 5BW. A list of wholly owned Atkins Group companies registered in the United Kingdom can be found at Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.