date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 12:34:35 GMT from: Carole Edis-Williams subject: Workshop on systematic errors - 16-20 October 2000 to: To all Potential Participants Please see the following which is also a reminder that abstracts are due by the END OF JUNE. Hope to see you there Martin Miller and Kamal Puri (Workshop Organisers) CALL FOR PAPERS World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) WORKSHOP ON SYSTEMATIC ERRORS 16-20 October 2000 at the Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia The WCRP Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) will host a Workshop on Systematic Errors in October this year in Melbourne, Australia. The last meeting on this subject was held in Toronto, Canada in 1988, and the aim of the 2000 Workshop is to review progress since then, and to consider future directions. Systematic errors in atmospheric models continue to limit the effectiveness of models in almost all applications. The Workshop will address issues such as mean errors and their evolution in atmospheric models, with emphasis on the sensitivity of systematic errors either to parameterisations or resolution within a single model, or as a function of different models (e.g. AMIP-2 or similar studies). Summaries of standard measures of systematic errors of a single model 'climate' could be presented as posters. In addition to ensemble and time-mean errors, systematic errors in variability will also be addressed. An important session will focus on alternative approaches aimed at providing new insights into the nature of, and hypotheses as to the cause of systematic errors (many of which have persisted through years of model developments), and to discuss ways of moving beyond the traditional time-mean (or ensemble-mean) approach. Analyses based on individual models would be appropriate here for the purposes of demonstration. Additional studies of diagnostics of initial model tendencies, analysis increments, use of adjoints, flow dependence of errors, etc. are encouraged. Although the emphasis of the Workshop is on atmospheric models, studies on the atmospheric component of coupled models will be included in the programme. It is intended to include sessions on errors in mean circulation, fluxes, clouds and variability with invited talks in each. A discussion session is also planned. Poster sessions will be social occasions where possible. The Bureau of Meteorology building is located in Melbourne's central business area, close to a splendid variety of cafes, restaurants, bars etc. for extra-curricular activities! SHORT ABSTRACTS Submission of short abstracts (300 words, text only) will be by electronic means through the website from early March until late June. Selection of oral and poster presentations will be made by the Scientific Organising Committee and numbers may have to be limited. Details regarding the publication of papers will be found on the website. For specific queries please contact either: Dr Kamal Puri Dr Martin Miller (Chair of Local Organising Committee) (Chair of Scientific Organising Committee) BMRC ECMWF GPO Box 1289K Shinfield Park Melbourne Reading Vic.3001 Berks RG2 9AX Australia United Kingdom Tel: (+ 61 3) 9669 4433 Tel: (+ 44 118) 949 9070 Fax: (+61 3) 9669 4660 Fax: (+ 44 118) 986 9450 Email: Email: