date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:57:20 -0400 (EDT) from: subject: Manuscript # JOC-08-0029 now in your Referee Centre - to: 28-Mar-2008 Dear Dr Osborn Thank you for agreeing to review the Manuscript # JOC-08-0029 entitled "IPCC and attribution of 20th century lower tropospheric temperature changes." for the International Journal of Climatology. Please can I ask that you try to complete your review within the next 6 weeks or as soon after is possible. In your review, please discuss the originality, accuracy and completeness of the work. I also invite your suggestions for condensing or amplifying the text. On the review page, there is a space for "Comments to Editor" and a space for "Comments to the Author." Your name is not revealed to the author so please be sure to put your comments to the author in the appropriate space. For fast-track access to the manuscript, you may click on the link below (which will take you right to the manuscript and review scoresheet). When you are ready to rate the manuscript please go to the "Score Sheet" tab. It is essential that you click the "Save" button if you wish to exit the scoresheet before you submit it to the Editor. Otherwise, none of the information that you have entered will be saved in the system. When you have completed your review and are ready to submit it to the Editor, click on "Submit." All communications regarding this manuscript are privileged. Any conflict of interest, suspicion of duplicate publication, fabrication of data or plagiarism must immediately be reported to me. Thank you for taking time to evaluate this manuscript. I will inform you of the fate of this manuscript when a decision is made. Sincerely, Dr Glenn McGregor International Journal of Climatology