cc: date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 12:32:12 -0500 (EST) from: subject: Invitation to IPCC WG2 Scoping Meeting: Jones to: Dear Dr. Jones - Attached please find an invitation to participate in an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Scoping Meeting for a potential Special Report on "Extreme Events and Disasters: Managing the Risks" to be held in Oslo, Norway, from 23-26 March 2009. The provisional agenda is also attached. To give quick context, at the 38th session of the IPCC Bureau (24-25 November 2008 - Geneva, Switzerland), a Norwegian proposal to undertake a special report on Extreme Events - stressing risk assessment and management - was presented. After deliberation, the Bureau decided to conduct a scoping meeting, to provide support for a future decision on whether to endorse the Special Report. The Bureau requested that the meeting produce a white paper describing process, objectives, and an annotated outline. The outcome of the meeting will provide guidance to the 39th session of the Bureau and the 30th session of the IPCC (20-23 April 2009 - Antalya, Turkey). A formal decision on undertaking the proposed Special Report will be rendered then. A closed web site has been created to help participants prepare for the scoping meeting. Visit and use the embedded username and password in the invite PDF to access the site. Please fill out the Pre-Registration Form at your earliest convenience. If you have difficulties accessing the site, please do not hesitate to contact the IPCC Working Group II Technical Support by responding to this message -- that is, via . Given the proximity of the meeting and need to ensure the highest caliber experts, it would be appreciated if you would indicate your availability, again via , by 25 February 2009. Thank you for your time and attention, and we look forward to meeting you in Oslo in about 6 weeks' time. Sincerely, Extremes SR Science Steering Group Attachments: Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\ExtremesInvite-Jones.pdf" Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\ExtremesSR_Agenda.pdf"