date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 13:02:39 -0400 from: "Michael E. Mann" subject: Re: few potential slides ..... to: Keith Briffa Hi Keith, I've had a chance to put together a revised presentation. You can download the revised presentation here: [1] I've looked over the various slides and the comments, and I think I can describe these all adequately. I think we have very much the same big-picture message, so that makes this easy. I've tried to organize the revised presentation thematically, combining your slides w/ mine in what I thought would be the most logical order and allow for the most coherent presentation. I've obviously had to cut out quite a bit (both from my presentation, and some of the slides you sent too), to get this down to a manageable 45 minute presentation w/ time for questions (I limited it to 31 slides). I think there is some built in redundancy since for examle, the plot I show from the Jones and Mann ROG paper shows the ECHO simulation along w/ the others, etc... Let me know if you have any remaining comments. Will let you know how it all goes... cheers, mike p.s. I let Scott know he should be receiving comments from you on the J. Climate paper shortly. thanks for getting to this so quickly... At 10:22 AM 6/11/2004, you wrote: Mike like the presentation (as did in Tucson). As I promised , here are few slides that you might want to use also - just to extend the data/model comparison aspect. They are all well documented in notes - and most are from stuff Tim and I are working on now (he produced the files). Other than the one from our earlier Science comment piece (that I know you are well aware of anyway - but might be a useful illustration of the scaling problem ) , these are relatively new - and all (except the one from our paper with Phil) unpublished as yet). The first is an updated version of the last Figure in the Bradley et al article in the PAGES synthesis book - and shows the detection issue well.The later ones showing the large scale temperature comparisons and extended seasonality analysis using the UK and German model output from the "natural" (pre-1750) and " with additional anthropogenic forcing" (post -1750) runs from SOAP , I think represent interesting and right-up-to-date information. The talk is nice as it is - and the need to point to more carefully defined model-model and data-data (reconstructions) as well as data-model comparisons is well made. I am trying to phone , but if I can't get through , good luck. I am going through Scott's paper now (little to say - it turned out well)and we will submit Tim's (the one referred to in the former) by next week. Hope to work with you and Malcolm soon on the reanalysis of the US tree-ring data. cheers Keith -- Professor Keith Briffa, Climatic Research Unit University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Phone: +44-1603-593909 Fax: +44-1603-507784 [2] ______________________________________________________________ Professor Michael E. Mann Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 _______________________________________________________________________ e-mail: Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137 [3]