cc: "David J. Thomson" date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 17:27:59 -0400 (EDT) from: "David J. Thomson" subject: Tree ring or similar data, etc. to: Dear Phil, Our paths don't seem to have crossed lately, so hope all is well with you work is going well, etc. I've been hearing dire things about the UK science funding situation, hope you are surviving. I have two questions, one simple, one maybe not: 1. Did I remember to send you a copy of my article in IEEE Signal processing magazine from last July with the "Nile" example? I recall you spluttering about "long memory" processes at some point, so did an explicit test for it. No ``fractionally integrated brownian motion'', Hurst exponents, etc., but lots of solar and the 18.6-year Lunar signal. 2. One of my grad students is wondering where he can find good tree-ring data at annual resolution from Canadian/US border and prairie region. He has some lake cores from Minnesota over to Alberta, and is looking for accurately dated, annual data from about 1100 AD (or earlier) to present to check his time sacales against. Any data, advice, pointers, etc welcome. The data he has is from varved sediments, there seem to be some odd solar effects, and he should check his time scale against some well-dated series. Term is almost over, last class tomorrow, then exams to mark. Cheers David Thomson